Understanding Quotas and Plans

Monthly Quotas

Every team has a monthly quota that renews at the beginning of each month. This quota can be increased by subscribing to a paid plan, allowing you to raise your team's total quota across all inboxes. In addition, you can add unlimited inboxes to your account, which can be incredibly helpful for teams that receive a large volume of messages across different domains.

With unlimited inboxes, you can easily manage your team's email QA and testing channels in one place. Furthermore, subscribing to a paid plan will allow you to add unlimited teammates to your account. You can bring on as many team members as you need without worrying about hitting a limit. By doing so, you can ensure that everyone on your team has access to the same tools and resources, which can help to promote collaboration and increase productivity.

How Subscriptions Work

Subscribing to a paid plan can raise your team's total quota across all inboxes. You will also unlock unlimited inboxes and unlimited teammates.

  • All subscriptions are billed at midnight on the first of each month for the Eastern Time Zone.
  • When creating your subscription, you will be billed a prorated amount for the remaining duration of the current month.
  • Plan prices do not include any applicable sales tax.
  • You can cancel at any time and keep your existing inboxes and emails. You will default to the free tier quota of 20 emails per month.

Our Shared Inbox allows product teams of any size to share email access across unlimited addresses. Use a Shared Inbox when testing web apps sign-up flows, email notifications and sequences, onboarding, and more.

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