Share inbox access without sharing passwords

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Shared Inboxes help quality assurance (QA) and app development teams when testing multiple logins, email marketing sequences, email design and layout, and much more!

Our Shared Inbox - Share & receive emails with your whole QA and dev team | Product Hunt

Send to new addresses on the fly

Receive email on virtually unlimited recipient addresses without having first manually create the address.

You can use this feature to create many logins for the app your team is QA testing, and great for testing onboarding flows.

Search your inbox with ease

Quickly and easily find specific emails within your Shared Inboxes.

You can search for emails based on filter criteria such as sender, recipient(s), and by keyword text in the subject line.

Use your own domain or ours

You can bring your own domain or use a custom subdomain.

Using your own domain will require a bit of DNS set up, but the process is relatively easy, and we will help guide you through the steps!

Learn the basics of Our Shared Inbox

Our Shared Inbox helps Development and QA teams of all sizes share inbox access across unlimited email addresses.

Shared Inbox Basics